Monday, October 17, 2011


Just beginning in this field, I have already noticed a lot of teachers and support staff talking about feeling "burnt out" and I am seeing more and more lack-luster and unmotivated teachers. I have been told by more than one veteran teacher that my enthusiasm and optimism with wear off in time. According to some, I will "realize how things really are" and maybe even "get lazy"..I hope that never happens. A teacher and author of another blog I follow, Teaching Learners With Multiple Special Needs, posted her "I believe" statement, which I have found to be a source of inspiration since I have entered into the classroom. I had adapted hers slightly to fit more personally for myself but this is a statement I like to refer to often to make sure I never fall into that cynical mindset.

My students can...
Can learn
Can achieve
Can communicate
Can be successful

My students deserve...
Deserve a chance
Deserve the benefit of the doubt
Deserve high expectations
Deserve to spend time enjoying friendships
Deserve to make mistakes
Deserve to be in their community
Deserve to have a bad day, and lots and lots of good ones
Deserve a highly qualified teacher
Deserve a say
Deserve joy

I believe a difference can be made...
Though kindness
Through connection
Through understanding
Through research and scholarship
Through constant dedication to quality teaching
And by entering the classroom everyday
& teaching like lives depend on it
Because they do.

1 comment:

  1. It is hard not to get a little jaded sometimes! You see all of the misunderstanding that exists out there and have to can I ever change this?! I just try to keep reminding myself that my kids are here and they most certainly deserve the best education I can give them. I'm a 2nd year teacher and brand new blogger, too! Glad to see another face in special education!
