Saturday, October 22, 2011

Visual Schedule

So, the first week of high school has been a little...crazy! I do really get along well with my teacher and he has let me do a lot of programming on my own! I have been focusing a lot on one student and here is a visual schedule I created to help with this student's transitions. As you will see, I had to build in quite a few break times but that is something this student needs. I basically used a file folder, laminated it, used sticky back Velcro ( love! ) and attached the laminated pocket to the back to put her icons in once she is finished.  I also have a place for "first" and "then" on the front because looking at all of the icons at once is too much for this student to process. Basically, we will be taking 2 icons at a time and as we finish an activity, she will be prompted to move the "first" icon to the finished folder and the "then" icon will now be first followed by whatever the next icon is. (confusing to type!) I also added her icons for behavioral expectations to the front incase we need to give her reminders. I am hoping this will really help this student with on-task behavior and having smoother transitions. We will see!



  1. That looks like a great schedule! I like to use those clipboards that open and shut so I can keep all of my extra icons in there for special activities or changes in schedule. It works great.

    Kind of like this...

  2. ooh that's a great idea! I will have to invest in some fancy clipboards for next far I have been trying to resist the urge to buy tons of school stuff since I don't exactly know what type of classroom/students I am going to have..hate not knowing!! Thanks for checking out my blog : )
