Sunday, October 30, 2011

Visual Task Analysis and Choice Folder

Hey everyone! My little blog is getting more views than I thought it would..which means I will have to keep posting! Anyways here is my latest student teaching project. First, I have created a visual task breakdown for one of my students to help him increase his independence during lunch. This is meant to give him step by step cues of what to do so we can minimize our hand over hand assistance. I used real pictures this time because I thought Boardmaker was too abstract for this student.

To clarify, the routine is:
1. Walk to table
2. Retrieve cup and ensure to drink
3. Select choices to eat (the spoon is his representational object for eating)
4. Clean up area (throw away trash)
5. Wash hands
6. Sit back at table
7. Use vibrating toothbrush (his reinforcer)

I also made another "First Then" Daily Schedule folder for this same student but I added his leisure choices to the back so we can increase his ability to indicate his preferences. (Just so you don't think I am weird for including a slipper in this, it actually vibrates when you put your foot or hand into it, which he likes!)
Just to fill you in, some exciting things are on the horizon! I have applied for two job openings to start in December when I finish student teaching. One is an elementary "life skills" classroom and then other is a middle school position with similar students. I am not too confidant because I don't technically have my certification yet and won't until I graduate but I figured it was worth a shot! We will see!


  1. This is great, how did the interview go?

  2. Interview went well! It was a little intimidating, the Principal, Assistant Principal, and SPED Coordinator all interviewed me at once. I felt like I did a good job but they said it could be a few weeks until I hear back so we will see!
